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What happened to the Ark of the Covenant?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Darrell Tetar

My opinion is just that, an opinion. As we will speculate on where the Ark is unless/until it is found. I believe we should focus on the things of Scripture we know. Building our relationship with Christ, building our faith, reading the scriptures daily, get involved in a Bible believing church,help and love the unlovable.

The Bible warns about a wicked and adulterous generation always seeking signs and wonders, Jesus said none will be given except the sign of Jonah(death and Resurrection of Christ). We are not treasure hunters, "We have already found it! Jesus Christ is the ultimate treasure. Get to know him intimately by prayer,confession, telling and sharing your heart with him,(he is closer than a brother) read your Bible faithfully and you will find much more than you ever even imagined.

The world is always looking for more, bigger, better, look younger, live longer, get more money, none of this fulfills, in fact it can do the opposite. There is so much depression and sadness young people don't know where to turn. The Bible warns us that it will only grow worse until Christ returns, then all will be made right. True treasure is peace and eternal life with him who has created everything and "maintains it" did you thank God today for your breath? No matter how much we own, it means nothing, God said store up treasures in Heaven where nothing will corrode.

God said where your treasure is, that is where your heart is also. After all, rich, poor, sick, we all have the same "today" nobody has a guarantee they will even be here tomorrow. Finally, remember the Bible says: today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.

March 16 2015 Report

Img 0360 Terry Gillard

My deepest concern for the Church in the west these days is that we are so wrapped up in the "mechanics" of each issue - we throw scriptures at each other to win points, when we are missing deeper, revelatory relationship with our Lord and Saviour.

That said - speculating on the Ark means people are thinking on the presence of God! And growing in desire to be in that type of deep relationship - so speculate away!

The problem will come when 1 or 2 says, "What I say is right: You should all believe what I say!"

These are the people you speak of. Aiming for notoriety / a quick buck! For them Acts 8: 20-21. But for those with the desire to be close, Isa 55:6!

God Bless,

August 13 2015 Report

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