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What are the benefits or advantages to going to a Bible college? Does a Bible college environment offer more opportunities and rewards than a secular college? These questions can best be answered w...
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Biblical training is essential for church leaders whether by way of seminary or other means. Some churches conduct in house training for their leaders and ministers. This is very much in order provided that the quality of training is sufficient for the purpose Most of the problems we experience today in bible interpretation largely have to do with church ministers who lack basic training in handling scripture. 2 Timothy 2:15 says "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." If we seek to study scripture in an organized manner and through proper instruction, the benefits are timeless.Timothy was trained by his grandmother and his mother Eunice and Paul recognized this distinct skill in young Timothy (2 Timothy 1:5) Paul himself was a theologian per excellence having sat under the feet of Gamaliel the revered Jewish scholar of the 1st Century. He declares in Acts 22:3 that he was "...brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers...." Is it any guess that Paul contributed more than half of the NT writings? One more thing, seminary training afford church ministers to learn Biblical languages and this process is very enriching in conducting exegetical and expository sermons that expose biblical truths more clearly than they would have done if they were not trained. I am aware that some church denominations, especially a section of the charismatics discourage theological training on the basis that it negatively affects or confuses their faith. I was privileged to undergo training in Bible school for four years after serving as a church elder for over 15 years. I can attest that not only has my faith grown in the Lord but I have witnessed a better impact in my ministry and discovered biblical truths in a much deeper way. This is not of course to suggest that I know all that I needed to learn. I am still in the learning process because every child of God must grow in the knowledge of his word till we meet Christ. My advice? Seek Biblical training and more so if you have the calling to preach because this training will be extremely useful for enhancing your ministry capacity.
The wisdom and knowledge you get by learning the Bible in a college is second to none. In Bible college you get to learn the mind of God and Zhis Son Jesus Christ. Man's knowledge will fade away, but the Word of God will last forever. I believe every person that wants to get in to the Ministry should go to a Bible collage. Also, I believe that every person that wants to be a Minister should go to Israel and see for them selves the Holy Land and follow the footsteps of Jesus. They should go to Jerusalem and see for themselves the Holy city. Not only will they become better preachers by knowing the Holy Land, but they will feel the Words of Jesus come alive. I believe that all Christians will benefit by Bible colleges as well as going to Sunday school in their church. Everything will pass away, but the Word of God (the Bible) will live forever.
There are Bible colleges and there are Christian colleges and there are secular colleges. Traditionally a Bible college is a school for ministries. A Christian school is a liberal arts school that also teaches and practice Christian values. Once you know what your majoring in it will be easier to select a school. If you have a calling for a ministry a Bible college might be the best fit for you. If you want to be a doctor a secular school might be the best way to go. As with any decision in life pray for the Lords guidance, visit the school, talk to other students, then only you can decide what school is best suited for you. Most important, make sure the school is accredited by one of the major accreditation organizations.
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