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There are two questions that may arise! 1. Participating beauty pageant event as a contestant 2. Watching beauty pageants show as a spectator Both are unacceptable as these beauty peagents are meant to rate the self-pride as self-confidence. The contestants are revealing their flesh in an immodest provocative way. Everyone is created with equal importance on this earth. God is unbiased and He is Lord of all and no respecter of persons; and will save all on the same terms (Acts 10:34-37,43). There is no place for the self-exalted people with the heart of the devil in the Kingdom of God. Ezekiel 28:17 says, Lucifer's heart was lifted up because of his beauty, he hast corrupted his wisdom by reason of his brightness. This gives the cause of the fall of Satan. His heart was lifted up because of his beauty, the brightness (splendor) of his kingdom, and his authority (1Tim. 3:6). The example of Lucifer is given to emphasize the absolute necessity of mortifying pride. Lucifer was trusted as the original overseer of the planet earth. He ruled for an indefinite period before Adam and was perfect in his ways until he was lifted up in pride to believe he could invade heaven and dethrone God (1Tim. 3:6; Isa. 14:12-14 Ezek. 28:11-17 Jer. 4:23-26 2Pet. 3:5-8). Before learning the lesson of humility and the worth of his true self without grace, the new convert is likely to fall the same way Lucifer did. Beauty pageants make people of this type--haughty, proud, exalted, despotic, and self-important.
I do not think that modern beauty pageants glorify God, at least not in the way they are conveyed today. One may argue that Queen Esther ascended to the throne through an ancient beauty show but we know that there were levels of modesty that were respected by ancient societies which have now been discarded by our contemporary world. There is too much flesh and nudity today being revealed in the name of beauty and I believe true believers in Christ ought to be careful how far they are prepared to expose their bodies as exhibition materials for the world cameras. Scripture warns us in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 (KJV) "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." To display one's body in an immoral manner is to demean the creator and Lord to whom our bodies and vessels belong. My answer is therefore thus: beauty pageants are not ungodly or sinful in themselves but the moral limits defined in Scripture should guide the child of God in all wisdom in determining the depth of involvement and the morality of the displays required of them.
We can view beauty pageants as we view pornography. It's all the glorification of the flesh rather than glorifying God. Shall we get past the implants, make-up, exposed flesh and flashiness and see what we have left? We now even have transvestites entering these expeditions. No, these shows are not glorifying to God as God gets no glory out of the glorification of watching scantily clad women strut around and show off their assets.
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