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Aurel Gheorghe


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What blindness in part happens to Israel until the fullness of the gentiles has come in?

In Romans 11:25 Paul is answering the question from Romans 11:1, “I ask,...

Comment 2 More Answers Asked September 17 2020


Why should we pray for "our daily bread"?

Most of us living in North America probably have enough food in our...

Comment 3 More Answers 3 Votes Asked August 30 2020


Is it wrong to skip church? (Hebrews 10:25)

Please remember that we are not saved by perfect church attendance. If one...

Comment 1 More Answer 3 Votes Asked August 24 2020


Can I struggle with addiction and still be considered a born again Christian?

"For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, But the wicked...

Comment 4 More Answers 3 Votes Asked August 24 2020


What would have been wrong with turning stones into "bread"? (Matthew 4:3-4)

Under different circumstances turning stones into bread would have been just...

1 Comments 3 More Answers 3 Votes Asked August 24 2020


Is Jesus commending salvation by works in John 5:28-29?

In John 5:28-29, Jesus talks of two resurrections: "the resurrection of...

Comment 6 More Answers 2 Votes Asked August 17 2020


What does it mean, "Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it"?

Romans 7 is puzzling for Bible commentators because it appears to contradict...

7 Comments 5 More Answers 2 Votes Asked August 16 2020


Why, if God knows the future, did He permit Satan to possess and control the earth?

The short answer is that Adam and Eve gave Satan control of this planet, not...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked August 09 2020


What did Jesus mean by, “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?”?

Just days before His death on the cross, Jesus is being approached by Salome,...

Comment 2 More Answers 2 Votes Asked August 06 2020


What does it mean in 1 Corinthians 15:29 that people are baptised on behalf of the dead?

1 Corinthians 15:29 is one of the most difficult Bible texts to interpret and...

1 Comments 1 More Answer 3 Votes Asked August 05 2020


What are the three horns that were plucked out in Daniel 7:8?

There is little agreement among Bible scholars who the little horn is or who...

Comment Asked August 05 2020


What is the difference between a born again Christian and 7th Day Adventists?

The Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) is a Protestant denomination founded...

Comment 2 More Answers 3 Votes Asked August 02 2020


What do the ten horns symbolize in Rev. 17:9-11?

Revelation 17:7-11 say that the beast has “seven heads and ten horns.” The...

Comment 3 More Answers 1 Vote Asked July 22 2020


What is the significance of the two eyewitnesses in the book of Revelation?

In Revelation 11 we find the prophecy of two witnesses – I believe they...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked July 19 2020


Who are the Nicolaitans?

The letter rebuked the church of Pergamos for fraternizing with those who...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked July 13 2020