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n.l. pearson

bible study teacher/revealer of the WORD
researched the scriptures; found out about JESUS! I want to tell everyone who will listen about this most excellent news!

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What are the curses of the law referred to in Galatians 3:13?

The “Law” is the very opposite of faith. Galatians 3:10-12 says, “For all who...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked February 21 2022


Why does Isaiah 45:7 say that God created evil/calamity?

Short answer, because I didn't see this reference scripture. Proverbs 16:4...

1 Comments 12 More Answers Asked December 17 2021


Where (if at all) in the word of God does it say a man can continually be disobedient and still have the favor of God?

Nowhere! We hear this from a lot of people, especially if they've convinced...

3 Comments 1 More Answer 3 Votes Asked August 23 2021


What is the uniqueness of the scriptures as compared with other writings?

I am a big book, T.V. and movie fan, and an even bigger Bible fan. I’ve seen...

3 Comments 2 More Answers 2 Votes Asked August 04 2021


What does the Bible say about the arrival of a time in which people will celebrate their sins and have no remorse over their sins?

2 Timothy 3 says "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last...

0 Comments 4 More Answers 6 Votes Asked July 05 2021


Why should we read the Bible / study the Bible?

Read the Bible for the pre-mentioned reasons. In addition, from my personal...

Comment 12 More Answers 2 Votes Asked December 19 2020


Is God real? How can I know for sure that God is real?

I am answering this question from what my experience has been with GOD...

Comment 3 More Answers 1 Vote Asked December 13 2020


What does the Bible say about confidence?

Our confidence should always come from God's Word to us. 1 John 3:21 says...

Comment 2 More Answers 1 Vote Asked June 22 2020


How can I take control of my thoughts?

I believe the Word of God has an answer for all we ask of HIM. Two scriptures...

Comment 5 More Answers 1 Vote Asked January 31 2020


What does Paul mean by “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God”

Our minds "play tricks" on us. Prior to that verse, it says "the weapons we...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked November 15 2019


Why does unbelief appear to be increasing in the world today?

The increase in disbelief has been coming for as long as I can remember; our...

1 Comments 1 More Answer 2 Votes Asked August 20 2019


When Isaiah says we are healed by his stripes is he talking about a physical healing or a spiritual healing?

Isaiah tells us that Christ was wounded (understood) for our transgressions,...

2 Comments 4 More Answers 2 Votes Asked October 20 2018


Where in the Bible is the indisputable statement that says Jesus is God?

Jesus in John 10:30 says: "I and the Father are One..." John 14:5-11 says...

2 Comments 5 More Answers 3 Votes Asked November 24 2017


Why are so many young people falling away from the faith?

Young or old, people have to want to continue to learn about "Thus says the...

Comment 12 More Answers 2 Votes Asked June 10 2017