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Michele Straitiff

Servant of The Lord Jesus Christ, 53, female
I came to Repentance of my lost condition in the late 70's. The Lord Jesus showed me who He was is and always will be. Anyone wanting to live righteous in Him will suffer persecution. God save us from "name it claim it" heresey rampant in the U.S. You Shall not Recieve that you may consume upon your own lust, we are not to love this world, nor the things of this world. If you do or are are, The Love of The Father is not in you. Read the word of God. 

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Did Satan know about eternal pit of sulphur and fire when he decided against a relationship with God?

Dearest Angela, It could be that Lucifer did not think of Hell, as he could...

Comment 2 More Answers 3 Votes Asked October 05 2013


Why does God send people to hell?

Dear Seeker, This question is not so much about the answer I would give as it...

3 Comments 7 More Answers 3 Votes Asked July 05 2013


Why was a law against incestous relations put in place when it (incest) had been practiced out of necessity prior to this?

Because of deterioration of the human genome due to the curse. I have found...

1 Comments 4 More Answers 7 Votes Asked June 08 2013