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Does God hate? If God is love, how can He hate?

""God" is Love." He has set His universe in place (everything was set up...

Comment 6 More Answers 2 Votes Asked October 08 2013


Is the phrase "hate the sin, but love the sinner" in the Bible?

Hi, If you'd not care to jaunt through my ramblings, just scroll down to the...

1 Comments 1 More Answer 4 Votes Asked October 08 2013


If baptism is not necessary for salvation why is it still necessary?

Baptism is a continual regeneration by the washing of the water of the Word....

1 Comments 17 More Answers 2 Votes Asked September 26 2013


Romans 14 talks about "food" and "days." What food and what days are being talked about?

As regarding the meat of the sacrifices, some was for the priests' sole...

Comment 3 More Answers 1 Vote Asked September 06 2013


If we are saved by faith in Jesus, will we still be judged by our deeds or works?

Yes, one will be judged. Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold,...

22 Comments 25 More Answers 4 Votes Asked August 29 2013


Is it possible to love a person without liking that person?

Hate, love, and like are all points along a spectrum. Love is benevolence....

1 Comments 12 More Answers 3 Votes Asked August 29 2013


What does it mean to be a holy man?

"Holy" means to be "set-apart." Different religions have their "holy" people,...

5 Comments 6 More Answers Asked August 23 2013


Can a person be saved through general revelation?

If not, then anyone prior to the Messiah is lost, for that was all they had....

Comment 3 More Answers 2 Votes Asked August 23 2013


What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ?

YeHoshua, in His "great commission" said to baptize (teach) in the authority...

Comment 3 More Answers Asked August 22 2013


What does it mean that there is no condemnation in Christ?

As we live as the Messiah lived, there is no condemnation in that life....

13 Comments 4 More Answers 1 Vote Asked August 22 2013


What does it mean that the church is the bride of Christ?

Do a study on two things, in order to have a better understanding of who the...

Comment 4 More Answers 1 Vote Asked August 22 2013


What does it mean 'to live is Christ' (Philippians 1:21)?

To live "in the Messiah" one will hear with understanding, and obey (Sh'ma)....

Comment 3 More Answers 2 Votes Asked August 22 2013


What is the meaning of life?

The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear Elohim and keep his...

Comment 5 More Answers 3 Votes Asked August 22 2013


What does the Bible say about foot-washing?

The Bible doesn't have anything at all to say about foot-washing. What...

Comment 2 More Answers 1 Vote Asked August 22 2013