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What were the names of the Pharaohs in Genesis and Exodus?

While no names of the pharaohs of Egypt are mentioned in Genesis and Exodus,...

Comment 3 More Answers Asked February 20 2022


Is the 7-day calendar based on Genesis 2:2-3, in which the seven day week was first mentioned?

The seven-day week is an unnatural division of time. The day is figured by...

Comment 1 More Answer Asked February 20 2022


What happened to the descendants of Cain? Did they survive the flood?

Some of Cain’s descendants are mentioned in Genesis 4. In Genesis 4:17, 18,...

Comment 2 More Answers 1 Vote Asked February 19 2022


What is the Romans Road to salvation?

The Romans Road is an evangelism tool used to lead people to Christ by using...

1 Comments 2 More Answers Asked February 18 2022


What was the principle behind the offering of first fruits?

The offering of the Firstfruits was the first offering of the harvest of...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked February 16 2022


Why did God lead the people by a roundabout way to the Red Sea?

According to Exodus 13:17-18, God did not lead the people of Israel by the...

Comment 2 More Answers Asked February 13 2022


Why does Peter say repent and be baptized for the remission of sins if baptism has nothing to do with remission of sins?

Peter told the people to “repent, and let every one of you be baptised in the...

Comment 4 More Answers Asked February 13 2022


Where is the current location of Harran?

The location of Haran is traditionally considered to be in the northwest area...

Comment 2 More Answers Asked February 12 2022


Why is John 8:2-11 not found in earlier manuscripts? Does this mean it is a fabricated story?

Actually, the passage, sometimes called the ‘Pericope Adulterae’ which means...

Comment 2 More Answers Asked February 10 2022


Is it necessary to fully understand the Gospel to go to heaven? Is it enough to believe it, even if we do not fully understand it?

It is a mistake to think that believing the gospel will guarantee that one...

1 Comments 18 More Answers Asked February 08 2022


What is gopher wood?

There are a number of suggestions as to the identity of ‘gopher wood’ used...

Comment 1 More Answer Asked February 07 2022


To what do the various musical terms in the book of Psalms refer?

Most of the musical terms are uncertain, but the Psalm headings are not...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked February 05 2022


What temple is this? (Ezekiel 40:5–42:20)

The vision of the temple was given to Ezekiel fourteen years after the city...

Comment 2 More Answers 2 Votes Asked February 04 2022


Why did Paul go to Jerusalem the first time?

To answer this question, it would be helpful to reconstruct the timeline of...

Comment Asked February 04 2022


Who are the dead in Christ?

The ‘dead in Christ’ is mentioned in I Thessalonians 4:15-17 concerning the...

Comment 3 More Answers 1 Vote Asked January 31 2022