If Job's three friends did not spoke of God what was right, how can we make good use of the passages that register their words?

By instance, is it correct to use an isolated verse coming from the words of one of the friends who made God angry?

Job 42:7 - 9

SAGRADAS - 7 ¶ Y aconteció que después que habló el SEÑOR estas palabras a Job, el SEÑOR dijo a Elifaz temanita: Mi ira se encendió contra ti y tus dos compañeros, porque no habéis hablado por mí lo recto, como mi siervo Job. 8 Ahora pues, tomaos siete becerros y siete carneros, y andad a mi siervo Job, y ofreced holocausto por vosotros, y mi siervo Job orará por vosotros; porque solamente por su respeto no os trataré afrentosamente, por cuanto no habéis hablado por mí con rectitud, como mi siervo Job.

Clarify Share Report Asked February 04 2015 Mini Frank Sacriste Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Data Danny Hickman

The stories in the Bible are to be understood; the verses aren't declarations of truth. That's how we read a rule book. Whatever is stated is cut and dry. That's not the way to get the right understanding of what is written in scripture.

For instance, John 9 records the story of Jesus healing a man who was born blind. Somewhere in the episode, a Pharisee makes the statement, "We know that God does not listen to sinners" (John 9:31).

There are believers who reach into that narrative and repeat what that person said and call it truth, believing it's stated as a truth. IT ISN'T!! That's their erroneous reckoning! The Bible doesn't record that he was offered a correction, but it doesn't have to for me to know that statement to be untrue. If God didn't listen to sinners no one could ever initiate a conversation with Him. We all start out as sinners positionally and, of course, experientially. So we'd be unable to approach Him. That makes no sense!

That Pharisee didn't know what he was talking about!! The same as Job's friends didn't know what they were talking about!!

Bible characters boldly state something and the church adopts the ridiculous rendering as factual truth, not considering the theology of the matter.

The Bible doesn't explain itself the way some of us need. It leaves unsaid what some can hear in their spirit: "This person is wrong, God doesn't endorse this." You only hear it if you know to listen. It ain't cut and dry. It's spiritually discerned.

January 29 2022 Report

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