Were the the false prophets of 2 Peter 2:1 once Christians?


Clarify Share Report Asked May 17 2015 Mini Anonymous

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Eced7a1f c81d 42f4 95ea 9d5719dce241 Singapore Moses Supporter Messenger of God, CEO in IT industry, Astronaut, Scientist
The answer is YES.

It appears that false prophets and false teachers outnumber the true ministers of God. Note the term "many" in these references: 1 Jn 2:18; 4:1; Mt 7:15,22; 24:5; 2 Cor 2:17; Phil 3:18. Yes, the enemy usually comes in "like a flood" (Is 59:19). Jesus spoke about "rain," "floods" and "winds" in the context of false ministries (Mt 7:15,25). 

Paul spoke of "winds" of doctrine and tossing "waves" (Eph 4:14). The different spirits can operate through any of the ministers of the New Testament Church (Eph 4:11). We read about false apostles (2 Cor 11:13), false prophets (Mt 7:15), false evangelists (Gal 1:6-8), false shepherds (Jn 10:12) and false teachers (2 Pet 2:1). As we come to the end of the endtime, the deceiving spirits will be hyperactive. This was "expressly" predicted by the Holy Spirit (1 Tim 4:1). The effect on careless believers will be a "departure from the faith." The Greek word suggests a slow and an unintentional going away from the faith. It will not be a total and sudden rejection of the faith but a drifting away in stages.

All the apostles were vehemently against the preachers operating with different spirits. Note Paul's language as he referred to these ministers: "Deceitful workers" (2 Cor 11:13), "troublemakers" (Gal 1:7), "false brothers" (2:4), "witches" (3:1), "dogs, evil workers" (Phil 3:2), "enemies of the Cross" (3:18), "deceivers, cheats" (Col 2:4,8), "frauds" (2:18), "liars" (1 Tim 4:2), "proud men" (6:4), "corrupt men" (6:5), "vain babblers" (2 Tim 2:16), "cankers" (2:17), "captives of the devil" (2:26), "imposters and evil men" (3:13), "idle talkers" (Tit 1:10), "subverters" (1:11), "divisive men, heretics" (3:10). Paul's very first instruction to his secondliner Timothy was, "Charge them not to teach any other doctrine" (1 Tim 1:3).

Many strange phenomena and experiences are reported these days all over the Church. The most important gift needed for the Body of Christ today is the "Discernment of Spirits." The early apostles had wanted the Church at every age to be forewarned against these false prophets. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. For this reason they warned the people of God against "another Jesus" and "a different gospel" and "a different Spirit" (2 Cor 11:4).

October 22 2015 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Photo Anthony Clinton Supporter Teacher in China
The false prophets mentioned here I strongly believe they were apostate Christians. Why I believe that to be true is firstly, Peter mentions that they deny the Lord that redeemed them. This denial is in a New Testament context, and we know that Peter was well aware of the consequences of denying Christ without a repentant heart. After Peter denied Christ he had to be converted again. 

Paul also talks about the consequences of denying Christ. [2 Timothy 2:12] “if we deny Him He will deny us.” Christ will say to many that will have been called to the ministry and who once were the elect and they will hear the words “I never knew you”. These words they hear will not mean that they were never once Christians or they were never once powerful ministers of Christ. What it means is that because they denied Him by apostasy He will also deny He ever knew them. Peter denied he knew Christ but of course he knew Him intimately.

The second reason I believe that they were apostate Christians comes from [2 Peter 2:4] “God did not spare the angels that sinned” why is this mentioned in this context? The devil and a third of the angels were once pure and without sin. They dwelt in an eternal blissful home we call heaven yet when they sinned God did not spare them. They fell and fell eternally. So these false prophets were once the redeemed of the Lord and then corruption and error caused them to apostate and so they spread their diseased fruit to others in the Church. 

Now this is true in recent Church history. You could name many too, of the ministers that had powerful testimonies of gracious salvation and those powerful ministries showed many wonderful miracle gifts of the Spirit, yet by and by, we also note their incredible plunge from grace and such become spreaders of false doctrines and many teach that wealth is equal to godliness. There was one such minister in Australia. He had a powerful church planting ministry and demonstrated powerful miracles. His Churches still stand in grace this very day. They are continuing to grow but he had been caught committing adultery and even left his wife to marry another and was excluded from his own Church. 

Others start in the glory of God and then plunge into greed and financial abundance while fleecing the congregation with their smooth speeches and for their own deceitful purposes and yet their gifts and their ministry of miracles don’t immediately cease. They continue in their ministry but become deceived like Samson with Delilah until the Judge one day executes His judgment and severs them from their calling and their ministry. 

The third reason I believe they were once Christians comes from [2 Peter 2:15] “which have forsaken the right way, and gone astray” So we see that these false prophets did once walk in the right way and they were the redeemed, but like Judas, fell from their election and holy calling. Judas at one time went forth performing miracles in the power of the Holy Spirit. But this sad case proves that the calling he had was taken from him because of his apostasy and given to Mathias. [Acts 1:16-26 KJV] For it is written in the book of Psalms, 'Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his bishoprick(apostolic ministry) let another take'. That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.

These false prophets just like Judas had a calling and election and they plunged from that grace to walk after the lusts of their flesh and inherited the swift and due penalty for their apostasy.

May 19 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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