What are the Biblical attributes of Jesus Christ?


Clarify Share Report Asked February 10 2016 John2011 John Kolb Supporter

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Mini Simplicius Pereira

I support Tim Mass and beautifully he has put forth the attributes of Jesus Christ. However, I would like to add on further. Jesus was loving and compassionate towards the anxious, worried, sinners, hungry. Sick, sorrowful like that in the wedding at cana, towards the hungry crowd listening to him patiently, woman caught in adultery, The woman who was bleeding, Samaritan woman, for the blind, deaf, crippled, the lepers, and the boy possessed by demon, the woman whose son was dead, the good thief and many more examples to show that Jesus was very much human and loving and so is our God to whom several people have presented him differently by their human word limitations!

Another important aspect of Jesus is, he is so humble and down to earth and is reachable by anybody. He shows his humility by washing the feet of his disciples and kissing them. He never looked for glory and applause when he cured and did the miracles but always asked people to keep it secret and thank God for what good had happened to them. He was born in a poor condition, in a manger, grew up working with his father and mother in poverty and uncertainity, constant fear of persecution by the king Herod, lived away from his birth place for survival though he knew he was son of God even at the age of 12 when he was lost in the temple and was discussing with the Jewish scholars and priests about God and scriptures!

He was pure and clean in his heart towards people of every kind both men and women except for the dishonest Jewish priests and authorities. He looked after well even his betrayer Judas and gave him a very good post of looking after money. Even though he betrayed him as per God's plan, Jesus did not blame or curse him! Had Judas regretted his sin of betrayal and turned to God and Jesus, he would have ended up as the greatest saint in the human history!. So, God gives opportunity to every one of us to come back to him like he gave to even his worst betrayer like Judas and that is why he is so loving, forgiving and eagerly waiting for those who have gone away from him and from his father and would reward them greatly when they come back to him like in the prodigal son!

Look how wonderful and realistic is his love and that of his father and how immensely they care for those who come back to them! He has explained everything to us in his teachings and we are so lucky to read and live in his living words of everlasting love and life.

So Our Lord and savior Jesus is our true master, friend, father and mother. Nay, he is much more than that! Words cannot describe his love for us for we have no other human being to compare with his love for us except for himself! We are truly blessed and fortunate to have such a loving God as our soul mate!

October 18 2017 Report

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