What does "lest you dash your foot against a stone" mean?


Matthew 4:6

ESV - 6 And said to him, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written, "'He will command his angels concerning you,' and "'On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.'

Clarify Share Report Asked February 27 2016 Mini peggy goldston Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Linda Hammond

I have had so many times when only God could have gotten me out of things. He has sent his angels down and yes just in the nick of time they swoop me up and save me. Many times my prayers for my sons has brought forth the same. I PRAISE God and all his glory.

February 28 2016 Report

Mini Billy P Eldred

Growing up in the South and not wearing shoes, many youths can recall the pain of "stubbing your toe" and ripping a toenail. Though I am not sure and I have not looked it up, I always assumed this passage is referring to that injury as Jesus most likely wore sandals and walking especially at night without lit pathways, one would be prone to such injury. Therefore the angels carrying him would protect him from such an injury.

February 29 2016 Report

Mini Mary Greer

Thank You Father that You woke us up again. Each one of us are God’s child.
I can not understand why so many people doubt the Word of God. Ps 91 is so awesome . I am reading it everyday some more and taking my time to listen to God and putting the words into my mind, heart and soul. I have a husband who is in the VA hospital for the past three years and I am so sad that I can not visit with him during this virus. I Our Father is watching over the sick and shut ins. May Our Victory be in Jesus’ Blood. Amen.

March 26 2020 Report

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