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Should Christians go to nightclubs? Is clubbing a sin?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
To put it bluntly, nightclubs are part of the world which is controlled by Satan. They are designed for the purpose of giving oneself over to sinful desires. Nightclubs exist primarily for two purp...

July 01 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Blake Bailey Supporter
To keep it simple the bible said to "hold fast to what is good, and abstain from any appearance of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 " Every aspect and purpose behind clubbing is to satisfy our flesh and the fleshly desires. It can then become a crutch for non christians to continue in their current life styles So yes it is fun, but it very rarely has a chance to further the kingdom. Not only is it tough place to build the kingdom but does it strengthen your walk with Christ, and if it's not strengthening your walk why waist time continuing to do it?

March 23 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Geoff Smith Supporter
There are some fantastic answers here already. My only addition would be that night clubs are "night" clubs because they happen at night, when darkness prevails. Nothing good happens after bar close, is what I always said. 

Additional Bible verses I think of are: Acts 17:11, John 3:20-21, and John 2:9. Now, I know the darkness reveals to the lies and deceit of Satan but I feel it still gives credibility to darkness versus light. 

People go to night clubs; they are dark, people are drinking and lowering their inhibitions, dancing provocatively to "snare the interest of another person". Most often, sexual thoughts are on the minds of the people there and drinking to "let go". 1Cor. 16:13. Satan loves it when we "let go". He is most powerful we when let our guard down. 

So, my opinion only, but night clubs lean towards the activities Satan uses to "snare" us and Christians should avoid such traps.

June 11 2016 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Pastor Jesus Ramos Jr Supporter Prophet, Pastor and Missionay
While living a life of sin I spent a lot of time in dance clubs. It wasn't just something I did; it became a lifestyle. Nothing good comes out of this type of lifestyle. Drug abuse, alcoholism, prostitution, homosexuality, lesbianism are just a few of the vices encountered in the club lifestyle, but this is just on the surface. As you venture deeper into the belly of the beast one can be drawn into various criminal elements that are intertwined with what appear to be legitimate businesses. This is a realm that Satan has complete dominion over and no place for born again believers to venture intoxicated. 

The allure and temptation of the club scene is more than a Christian is able to resist. Once you are drawn in it's like a fly trapped in a spider's Web. Resistance is futile. Should a Christian go to clubs? God forbid!

June 09 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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