What evidence exists that God created us?

In the book of Genesis it is said that when Cain is cast out into the world he was fearful of the others of killing him so God put a mark on him so that no one would kill him. My question is with all the advancements in dna and gene research scientists are now genetically altering animal species with human dna and genes to make them more human, is it a probability that we weren't created directly by God himself? Or is it possible that another, vastly more intelligent species genetically altered neanderthals to become more intelligent. I am in no way trying to say we aren't God's creation because if you create something and that something in turn creates something else you have the glory of that second thing being created. Am I making any sense or is my head just in the clouds? 

Genesis 4:8 - 16

ESV - 8 Cain spoke to Abel his brother. And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him. 9 Then the Lord said to Cain, "Where is Abel your brother?" He said, "I do not know; am I my brother's keeper?

Clarify Share Report Asked September 26 2017 Mini Christopher Deville Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

2017 04 149520.13.461 321 Donna Adams

I think that our soul/spirit is common only to man and our reasoning/creative minds are "proof" of being like God. We love justice, each other and Him. We aren't an accident of some big bang. And on DNA manipulating ... the Bible tells us the sons of God liked the women of men and mated with them creating an evil race of giants. The sons of God were likely fallen angels.
I am not smart enough to offer "evidence", but I have faith enough to believe the Bible is God inspired and true. Thanks for reading my opinion.

September 29 2017 Report

Open uri20160220 24756 1ur7anb ● Arqeph

Hi Christopher, thanks for asking this question.

I would like to focus on your idea about an "intelligent species" that has genetically manipulated us through evolutionary stages.

This is called "The ancient aliens" theory.

It is a form of propaganda that revolves around extraterrestrial visitors frequenting visitation on our planet earth, and guiding its life's evolutionary progress through set upgrades on our DNA.
Zechariah Sitchin is well known in this area, for his take on the anunaki.

I was a fervent believer in Zechariah Sitchin's work for many years. I loved the idea of aliens being our big space brothers, visiting us every couple of thousand years to guide our evolution stages.

Since I was 15 I had an interest in alien lifeforms, and it was only that I came across a documentary which is focused on the power of calling upon the name of Jesus Christ to save those being abducted by aliens, to release them from their experience.

Long story short, it was the research I did after this realization that made me become a believer in God our Father and Jesus Christ.

My question will be: What will you do when some kind of "vastly more intelligent species" will present itself, and teach us "the meaning of life" ("to evolve" will be probably their answer), and give us an opportunity to realize this, by accepting their "gift"?

I believe "aliens" are fallen angels, and if they are part of anything, they will, in my humble opinion, be part of the great deception.

Peace be with you.

September 30 2017 Report

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