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Over these last nine years I have struggled to feel the presence of The Holy Sprit in my life. Having had everything going wonderful for me for 18 years after college then in an instant I was stripped of my job, my family, my reputation, and my future. Unable to find gainful employment even part time work after a professional career of 18 years as a state law enforcement officer and an educational career that has given me a masters degree, I am invisible to people in my own home town. No one has reached out nor has the Lord seen fit to show me an open door even though I have, if anything, increased my devotion to my Lord and my faith. I just simply wonder if God has turned away from American Christians?
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I don't propose to know your circumstance but I will tell you this: Job was a very wealthy man and Satan accused God of protecting him, and he said that without his earthly family and wealth he would curse God. So God gave Satan the power to remove everything from Job except his life. Satan did just that, took away his riches, took away his health, took away his entire family and took away his friends, who mocked him. Job had nothing, but he didn't curse God as Satan had insinuated he would. So in the end Job was given all back, but in greater amounts. I don't know God's plan for you, but if you hold fast and seek him in all you say and do things just might turn out to your greater good. Even if they don't, you have the most precious gift that any man can ever receive: eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ. This life is temporary; eternal life has no end.
God will never leave or forsake the those called by His name. Heb_13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. When you say "The American Christian" some things you need to consider are that nationalities, skin color, gender are not going to be matters of concern in the affairs of salvation. We are all vessels containing spirits God knows what manner of spirit we are. If we are born of the flesh or of the spirit God knows. Next would be what makes us born again. It is not a luxurious house and a fancy car though we may have those. What makes us a child of God is that we believe God and follow Jesus. Also note: 1 Jn_3:13 Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. This world is full of vanity and self important people that would do you harm before making a small sacrifice of time, money, food. It is not because they are more wicked then anyone else, it is because they know not what Christ has done for them, nor the things that they should do. I firmly believe that if God takes things away from us it is for a righteous and reason we only need to trust Him and keep the faith.
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