Can an unmarried man be a deacon or elder?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
The passages referring to the qualifications for an elder or deacon in the church are 1 Timothy 3:12 "A bishop (elder) then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of g...

July 01 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Eced7a1f c81d 42f4 95ea 9d5719dce241 Singapore Moses Supporter Messenger of God, CEO in IT industry, Astronaut, Scientist
Twenty Qualifications for being a Bishop/deacon:

1. Blameless in conduct. Greek: anepilemptos (G423). 1Tim. 5: 7; 6: 14 

2. Husband of ONLY ONE wife, i. e., not a polygamist. However, One could be a bishop without a wife, as Paul (2Cor. 9: 5) 

3. Their wives must meet certain qualifications (1Tim. 3:11). See the "Four Qualifications for Wives of Bishops" below

4. Each, the ruler of his own house (1Tim. 3:12), as required of bishops (1Tim. 3:4- 5)

5. Vigilant. Greek: nephaleos (G3524), drinking no wine; sober. Translated " vigilant" (1Tim. 3: 2); and " sober" (1Tim. 3: 11; Tit. 2: 2) 

6. Sober. Greek: sophron (G4998), of sound mind; discreet; prudent; moderate; self- controlled; temperate. Translated " sober" (1Tim. 3: 2; Tit. 1: 8); " temperate" (Tit. 2: 5); and "discreet" (Tit. 2: 5). See also 1Tim. 2: 9, 15; 2Tim. 1: 7; Tit. 2: 4, 6, 12 

7. Of good behavior. Greek: kosmios (G2887), 1Tim. 2: 9 

8. Given to hospitality. Greek: philoxenos (G5382), lover of strangers. Tit. 1: 8; 1Pet. 4: 9 (cp. Rom. 12: 13) 

9. Apt to teach. Greek:didaktikos (G1317), capable of teaching. 2Tim. 2:24 

10. Not given to wine. Greek:paroinos (G3943), a winebibber. Tit. 1:7 

11. No striker. Greek:plektes (G4131), not quarrelsome; one not ready to strike back at those who displease him; no persecutor of those who differ with him. Tit. 1:7 

12. Not greedy of filthy lucre. Greek:aischrokerdes (G146), not desirous of base gain; not using wrong methods to raise money to increase his own income (1Tim. 3:3, 8; Tit. 1:7) 

13. Patient. Greek:epieikes (G1933), meek and gentle (1Tim. 3:3), Php. 4:5 

14. Not a brawler. Greek:amachos (G269), not contentious, but quiet and peaceable. Tit. 3:2 

15. Not covetous. Greek:aphilarguros (G866), not a lover of money; not desiring the office for the sake of personal gain. Heb. 13:5; Lk. 12:15 

16. Ruler of his own house, not by hardness and tyranny, but with honesty 

17. Not a novice. Greek:neophutos (G3504), new convert to the faith. 

18. Of a good report from outsiders

19. Grave (1Tim. 3:8). Greek:semnos (G4586). Translated "grave" (1Tim. 3:4; Tit. 2:2) and "honest" (Php. 4:8) 

20. Not doubletongued (1Tim. 3:8). Greek:dilogos (G1351), liars; saying different things to different persons on the same subject. 

Four Qualifications for Wives of Bishops

1. Grave (1Tim. 3: 11; point 19, above) 
2. Not slanderers (1Tim. 3: 11). Greek: diabolos (G1228), devils. See Jn. 6: 70 
3. Sober (1Tim. 3: 11). Greek: nephaleos (G3524), not drinkers of wine (see point 6 above, 1Tim. 3: 2) 
4. Faithful in all things (1Tim. 3: 11). 

These qualifications apply to wives of bishops, deacons, deaconesses, and Christian women in general.

July 08 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Lawrence wong Supporter Disciple of iEsou ("Yeh-sou") christou
The context of Eldership is the Ekklesia which consisted of Jewish disciples and their oikoi (households) who were called out of the assembly on Shavout, the Wheat Harvest Festival, then after that of Gentiles called out of their pagan temples and the world into Jesus Christ';s glorious body, the Ekklesia (Ac2:47). 

Apostles, Prophets,Evangelists, Shepherds, Teachers (Eph 4:12) were the holy, married Elders who were natural and mature role models in the "little Flock" (Lk 12:32). The teachers were to be given double honour, that is respect and full-time support to keep the Ekklesia on track to defend against the "savage wolves who came into the flock to destroy it (Ac 20:29) to attack the households.

The major attackers were Jews whose mission statement was to reinstate the Jewish ways (Gal 3:1), false apostles and teachers (2 Pet 2). In actual fact it was Satan using such people. Thus the role of the Elders and especially Elders who were teachers was especially important to keep the Ekkelsia on track doctrinally. 

Selva Moses has quoted 20 qualification of the Elders and correctly included their wives who must be role models of submission. Their children have to be added and they must be obedient to their parents (Eph 6:1). 

The Elders were mature disciples of Christ Jesus and were men who manifested the agape love of Abba Father, the gifts (1 Cor 12) and fruit (Gal 5:22-23) of the Holy Spirit.

I wonder how many men (and their families) who claim the title of Elder actually meet the stringent qualifications as outlined in God's word? 

Each head of an oikos (household) in the oikos was a Prophet, Priest and King of his own wife and children. As a prophet he spoke God's words of life, as a priest he ministered to his family, and as a King he was the protector and responsible for all the needs of his loved ones. He was submitted to Jesus the head of each oikos, as were his family members. 

Thus the Elders of the Ekklesia were excellent role models of The Way of living for all. 

I have yet to know of any church which can live like the first Ekkelsia which was created in Jerusalem 30 A.D. on Shavout. We will be doing well as fathers if we can meet most of the qualifications of an Elder! 

Our Godly responsibilities must be geared towards our own oikos. Husbands first submit to Jesus are commanded to agape their wives 5 times (Eph 5:22-33), wives are to submit and respect their husbands, and their children are to obey their parents. All this must be taught primarily by the parents. The husband can then defend his oikos against the wily attacks of Satan (Eph 6) with all the armour and weapons provided to him by the Holy Spirit. 

It is only when we view an Ekklesia which was continually under attack and persecution, from within and without, that we can appreciate just how important the Elders were to each and every one who elected to be the various parts of Christ Jesus''s glorious body, the Ekklesia (1 Cor 12; Ro 12, Eph 4:16,

Lawrence NZ

July 27 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Billy P Eldred Supporter
I believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and everything in it is true. That being said, we don't always understand what is said correctly. 

As brother Hickman pointed out in one of his comments, the book of Timothy from which this question arises, Paul was instructing Timothy in setting up the workings of his church and as brother Moses pointed out in numerous quoted scriptures being a husband of one wife was just one of many qualifications an elder should have. 

I believe that these instructions were all meant to be an aid to Timothy in setting up his church. After all Timothy was young. If Timothy carefully followed these instructions, I am sure he chose those in his church that best fit the description outlined in the instructions. The end result was a man who could be fully trusted to help shepherd this church.

If we read a little further in the book of Timothy we can see why these instructions were necessary. In 1Timothy 5:18-21 NIV:

"[18] For Scripture says, 'Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,' and 'The worker deserves his wages.' [19] Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses. [20] But those elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone, so that the others may take warning. [21] I charge you, in the sight of God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels, to keep these instructions without partiality, and to do nothing out of favoritism."

The members of the church need to fully trust an elder. If someone was available and was the best match for the overall description Paul was giving, I personally don't think it would matter if he had been divorced. But if there were two equally qualified candidates and one of the two had never been divorced, just because the other had might make him the better candidate. We humans can be judgmental when we shouldn't be.

I believe much of the Bible was given to the Israelites and us to benefit us, not because God was establishing rules to punish us. This is not to say there are not absolutes in the Bible as well, there are! In this case though, my belief is that these were instructions to help Timothy and his church serve God with as little controversy as possible.

10 days ago 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Paula Fether Supporter Lifelong student of the scriptures
Excellent question, since consistency demands that if an elder must be male, he must also have children, and these children must be obedient. To make excuses for one criterion not being met (or not literal, etc.) means excuses can be made for all.

So if we recognize, rightly, that the point here is the character and maturity of the candidate, then we cannot at the same time demand that they must be male.

The phrase "husband of one wife" was an expression of purity, and of course women in that society hardly needed to be told they couldn't have multiple partners. God is not a respecter of persons, and judges by the heart rather than appearances. Likewise, spiritual gifts are not withheld or restricted on the basis of the flesh. 

Philip had 4 daughters who prophesied, Junia was an apostle, Phoebe was a "prostatis" (one who stands as representative of a group), and Chloe was the house church leader who sent the letter Paul responded to as 1 Corinthians. There are also accounts of women pastors and deacons in early church history, though it has been suppressed.

9 days ago 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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