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How can those who have been cremated be raised from the dead?
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As indicated in the Bible, God created the entire universe out of nothing, merely by speaking it into existence. Given that ability, as well as the various states of the remains of the faithful from over the past millennia as a result of either natural decay or the manners in which they have died (including many of them who have died by INvoluntary burning), I have absolutely no difficulty believing that there will nothing that will (or even could) prevent God from reconstituting or reconstructing their bodies at the time of the resurrection, regardless of what the current condition of those bodies may be.
God created human beings from the dust of the earth (Genesis 2:7). God saw our unformed bodies in the depths of the earth before we were conceived (Psalm 139:15-16). God said when we die, we would return to the ground from which we were created. From dust we are, and to dust we will return (Genesis 3:19). God decided the body that each of us would have when we were born as human beings. God will decide what body each of us will have when we are resurrected from the dead. However, our bodies will be glorious new bodies, like Jesus glorified body, like the bodies of angels. It doesn't matter how we die or what condition our physical remains may be in, God will create our new eternal bodies from the depths of the earth once again.
Are we to asume by the tone of this question that some believe there's a difference in returning to dust naturally, as opposed to being dust again by cremation? Is it supposed to matter whether the person chose cremation over being buried in a grave? These are reasonable questions. The question here only makes sense if cremation is the only way humans return to dust. Cremation only speeds up the process if mummification isn't performed in some way. The only way humans don't return to dust is if the body is preserved after it is deceased. Dust you are, and to dust you shall return (Gen 3:19). Now, if we are bound by God to return to dust (like we were assigned at the beginning of human life here) why do some of us believe that after man has come up with a way to preserve dead bodies, having a body return to dust is somehow wrong? Where does this kind of logic get its beginning? How does this kind of logic become spiritual, or theological? Although mummification goes back to about 5000 BC, only royalty was embalmed. In fact, people being embalmed is fairly a new normal. Cremation is gaining ground as a new, new normal. None of it matters to God. He's God of the living, not of the dead (Mk 12:27). What happens to those who have been cremated at the resurrection of the dead? They're resurrected like everybody else, the same as all others who returned to dust naturally or whose bodies were destroyed some other way.
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