What did Jesus mean by "My burden is ‘light’”?


Matthew 11:30

ESV - 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Clarify Share Report Asked April 09 2021 My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Data Danny Hickman

Mankind has one inescapable problem. Mankind has many problems that can be fixed. If we get physically sick, we can get physically healed. If we lose our fortune, we can gain it back. Science has even come up with the technology to regrow your hair. All of these problems can be solved; except one... we will all die. It's inescapable.

Not everyone goes bald. Not everyone loses their fortune. Not everyone gets terminally sick. But we all die. That's our only inescapable problem. That's a burden that we carry every day of our lives. But it isn't what Jesus is talking about in Mt 11.

Sin is the cause of death. We all sin, so we all die.

Jesus came to die in our place. He did it. His death was approved by God the Father to be a sacrificial death for all of mankind. The one who believes in Jesus will be resurrected to life even though he be dead.

All of what I've said is true, and can be said to be the point of many scriptural narratives. Sin can be described as being the point of every teaching because it is a serious problem. But context needs to be considered when studying the scriptures to gain understanding for what is being taught.

Mt 11:28-30 is about how we can be relieved of the anxiety in our soul if we "learn of him." We can "find rest for our soul." He humbled himself. We can do the same. Jesus had no stress and he knew his life would end tragically. Why? Because he cared about the Father's will more than he did his own. He offers us to do the same with him.

August 04 2022 Report

Data Danny Hickman

You have to remember who Jesus preached to. He didn't preach to the saved (church). Most preaching today is done to a supposedly somewhat knowledgeable audience. So the message is often tailored to suit the listeners, many times with the preacher not being aware that he/she is studying and preparing subconsciously with that in mind. The teacher forgets that these sermons and teachings that Jesus gave us are not to a Sunday morning crowd, all dressed up in their Sunday best. So they teach the word as if it was presented to people who knew the word.

That's not how Jesus taught. I was told a day or so ago that we need to study the Hebrew language so we can get a better understanding of what the word teaches us; that when we do, we "show ourselves approved unto God... blah blah.." It was so spiritual and religious!! And it gets in the way of getting a good basic understanding of the context of a narrative. The bible offers a compact message packaged many different ways to deliver the same compact meaning, over and over again.

But the point of a narrative needs to be exegeted for the purpose in mind when it was written. Writings have a thesis, a premise.

Jesus' premise is often concealed or disguised. He taught using parables, and sometimes idioms. He makes understanding his meaning like digging for a lost treasure. (Read Mt 13 and all the metaphors he gave us about what the kingdom of God is like).

Mt 11 is very basic! It's about humility leading to a restful soul.

August 04 2022 Report

B8c746f3 63c7 43eb 9665 ef7fba8e191b Kelli Trujillo

Amen, Danny!

August 04 2022 Report

My picture Jack Gutknecht

Well-said, Danny!

August 05 2022 Report

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