What does it mean, “The first shall be last and the last shall be first”?


Matthew 20:16

NKJV - 16 "So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen."

Clarify Share Report Asked May 31 2021 1551263323 John Tedesco Supporter

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Mini Murray Runge

The “first” may be the Jews, and because they refused to accept Christ when he came, now they are “last” in God's plan.

Is it possible that putting one first is self-righteousness, so they will be the last being resurrected because those in Christ rise first?

It may also mean that I may be greeting my dead relatives in heaven if they have already passed on.

Interesting question, but if the passage in Matt 20:16 is being referred to it seems to be about the generosity of the vineyard owner, him stating, “Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?”

Who are we to judge our creator on his grace shown to individual people? All receive his blessing and God knows best. What is fair in the the limited knowledge to us humans cannot be understood in a carnal mind.

With my limited knowledge I first read the bible and concluded that this world was so unfair that if compared to a race, some would be walking while others were flying on jets. “How could God judge such an unfair system of things?” I thought. Maybe all except the unforgivable sinners will be resurrected into Christ's reign where life will be fair. Once I had better knowledge I realised all who come receive the free gift of grace are made righteous and are sealed with the Holy Spirit. I am already at the finish line because of Christ's sacrifice. I was on a work-based belief in my mind. Praise the Lord I am now working on sanctification. "Death where is your sting?"

May 18 2022 Report

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