Why did David kill the Philistines if God commands in the 10 commandments not to commit murder?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 17 2021 Final avatar Nicola Calitz Supporter

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Image Alfonso Ozaeta

Jesus said to love our enemies. Imagine someone pointing a gun at you and informing you that he/she will blow your brain to shreds because he/she loves you so much!

October 17 2021 Report

Data Danny Hickman

I don't know if you mean to, but this sounds as if you're ridiculing what Jesus said. He didn't say for us to be without understanding when we're confronted by an enemy. If someone did and said what you proposed, we could either handle it the way most of us probably would, or we could try to help the person with the gun come up with a better plan. What that would look like is anybody's guess.

The teaching to "Love your enemies," (Luke 6:27) is a major cornerstone of the "christian" faith. It's what separates the sheep from the sheep. (You thought I'd say goats, didn't you). No, we all like sheep have gone astray (Isaiah 53:6). I don't know if any of us can truly love our real enemies. (Your co-worker who grates on your nerve is not what Jesus is talking about. He means the people who are planning to, and will eventually nail you to a cross).

You see, the "Love your enemies" doctrine is what our redemption is all about.

The question is asked, 'Why does God not just kill Satan and get him out of the way'? The answer is that Satan is God's enemy. We're to be "like God." God is justified in whatever He does, so it's not that He's trying to maintain His integrity. I think it is an example for us to learn the most important doctrine of our faith, which is "Love your enemy."

In other words, if you have the right and authority to destroy your enemy, you can do it, but a much higher calling is to show compassion. When you think about it, it isn't ridiculous all.

October 20 2021 Report

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