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A theology of worship is a doctrine concerning the worship of God; a biblical theology of worship bases its teaching on what the Bible alone says. Just as a biblical soteriology is based on the Bib...
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A friend of mine who is a pastor said that when he was Seminary, that he had a visit with a Rabiai who told him that the difference between him and Christians was that he worshipped God because He was God whereas Christians worship God for what God will do for them. Someone asked a question here that asked "Why did God choose the nation of Israel to be his people? " The answer to that question is central to my answer for this one. In reading the books of Exodus through Joshua, it stands out to me that God was very concerned with how the people of the world perceived Him. Basically, He wanted to be worshipped, first, because He was God and then what He did for His people. When He told Moses his name, he said tell them "I AM" sent you. That alone should be enough for Moses to get the people of Israel to follow him. This was to be backed up by what God was able to do including signs and wonders. Moses understood this to the point that he used it to seek God's help on Israel's behalf, asking God to save them, preserve them and provide for them that the world would see that He was God and that God in all his power and Majesty provided for His chosen people. Then in the desert, God's anger was roused by their grumbling and even Jesus was upset by the crowd's wanting to be fed more than wanting to worship Him. We should worship God because He is God and He is worthy to be praised and not just what he can do for us.
The question has to do with biblical theology, as we know because of the various denominations each have their own biblical view which they believe and teach. I think we need to first ask, "What is worship?" To many worship is singing and dancing in the spirit. Worship is to bow to someone with reverence and obedience. Worship is honoring our supreme God by carrying out His orders and instructions. A worshipper's holy desire is to do the will of the Father. Jesus was the supreme example of a true worshipper. The highest form of worship is obedience.
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