What is the 'age of accountability' and is it Biblical?

Would the age of accountability apply to babies and young children?

Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Data wayne shalles

Could James 4:17 apply to this.?
"Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." KJV

March 29 2014 Report

Data Charlitta Burruss

Other scriputures to note to thst question about accountability is 1Cor. 7:14, Romans 14:12, Proverbs 20:11 and several more look at the word accountability the first 7 letters says account, middle ways count. 7 is Gods number meaning complete. So in other words if we say something God looks for us to know his word and keep our word or promise to others and that's where reputation comes into play.

January 28 2015 Report

Data Charlitta Burruss

No the second question concerning infants and children where they go when they die the scriptures really do not say, but, Matt. 18:1-6 describes what Jesus is saying. I do believe even though a child is born into that while the Mother is carrying that child, that if she is saved the whole time she is ministering and reading and singing to that child. After it is born the bible says train up a child in the way it should go, and when it is old it will not depart from it. Now, the Child might stray but, it will come back home. Since we did not really know that answer, only God knows. The word says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, but that scripture (II Cor 5:1-10) does not talk about age.

January 28 2015 Report

Mini Gary Creel

Whether or not there is an actual age of accountability really isn't important, much more important is when a infant who dies has the capacity to make a freewill choice to accept or reject Jesus and when that would actually occur.

Would that be before or after the baby died, and if it would be before the baby died, how could that infant make that choice?

January 29 2015 Report

Data Charlitta Burruss

We can only worship the Lord in the Spirit that's our only communication with him and this is just a thought since the Lord is all knowing and created us all he would only have the last knowledge of child or infant who has and will accept him. When we as parents talk to our babies when they can not even talk but, they manage to respond either by a grin or some type of body language would let you know the child is aware of you talking to them.

January 29 2015 Report

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