Are there prophets in the church today?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Jjb 2003 1 Jj Breen

I find it interesting that we assume for some unknown reason that God stopped using the "Gifts of the Spirit".

Where exactly do we see that told to us in the Bible?

I know we have scholars and such that 'rationalize' that - but no where is this found to be accurate in the Bible.

October 23 2014 Report

Stringio Bruce Morgan

I guess the discussion needs to start with the question "What is a prophet?"
The OT prophets stood up in public and proclaimed "This is what the Lord Almighty says..." and delivered a message from God.
Today our pastors stand up in public and proclaim "This is what the Lord Almighty says..." and deliver a message from God, based on the Scriptures.
The OT prophets could be challenged to give a sign that their message actually came from God. One proof was to foretell a future event that only the omnipresent God could know about.
For example, Isaiah 44:28 (and Isaiah 45:13) spoke of "Cyrus, my servant" many, many years before Cyrus, king of Persia was born, yet he came to the throne and straight away did exactly as God said he would do (2 Chron 36:22-23 and Ezra 1:1).
The fact that this validated Jeremiah and Isaiah as prophets only strengthened their messages from God.
The main purpose of a prophet, then and now, was declaring God's Word.
Today we validate a minister's sermon by comparing it to the Written Word.
In my opinion he still has the gift of prophecy.

October 23 2014 Report

Jjb 2003 1 Jj Breen

Question, my friend: I agree and will add a couple of thoughts and Questions.

You stated: "Today our pastors stand up in public and proclaim "This is what the Lord Almighty says..." and deliver a message from God, based on the Scriptures."

Is that "being a Prophet" or being a "Teacher"? I would suggest that it is more being a Teacher of the Word of God -vs- being a Prophet of God.

I just posted in the main forum, the two types of Prophets that are found in both the Old & New Test. Basically:

Type 1 - Foretells future Events as directed by God.
Type 2 - Exposes sin so that repentance can take place and draws one back to God.

Yes, sometimes they can 'overlap' no doubt. Yes, sometimes they can be "generic" in talking about sin, but usually ( no not always ) they deal with specific sins, be it a group of people or a specific person.

I agree with you 100% in what you said:
"Today we validate a minister's sermon by comparing it to the Written Word."

Acts 17:11-12
"Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."

They had the audacity to check out Paul's messages to make sure they were accurate!

October 24 2014 Report

Img 0360 Terry Gillard

The people who discuss whether there are prophets today are clearly those not used to a word coming in this way.

There is no question: There is not a scripture anywhere that says any ministry gifting, or any Holy Spirit inspired gift ceased at a specific point. Every scripture that speaks of their temporary nature speaks of these ending when we are in the presence of the King of Kings!

Also there is a great amount of confusion between the ministry of a prophet and the "Word of Prophecy" which a gift of the Spirit. Most of the confusion stems from some who seem to want to prove themselves right, rather than unveil the truth.

A prophet who hears God and speaks God's Word into situations, will speak out in the midst of this confusion. The rest of us must hear it - and respond accordingly.

However, there are considerably fewer prophets about than there are people who claim to be prophets. He is not a prophet who claims to be one!

Also note that speaking a "Word of Prophecy" does not make you a prophet - for an example of one who spoke the Word of God for one occasion only, see Balaam's Ass!

While seeking the best gifts, remember Jer. 45:5: "Seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not".

Allow Him to work through you - you won't want to debate if it's prophetic or not. Simply trust Him.

April 06 2018 Report

Data Danny Hickman

I wouldn't say that Baalam's donkey spoke a "word of God." God allowed the animal to speak but God didn't put a word from Him in the donkey's mouth. The donkey simply explained to Baalam that he didn't deserve to be assaulted. I think it's a stretch to call that prophecy.

June 30 2020 Report

Img 0360 Terry Gillard

Why pick on one minor comment?

Prophecy is speaking the word of God into a situation: Not merely foretelling the future!
As such Balaam's ass...
1. Stopped Balaam in His disobedience so that he saw the Angel of the Lord - and realised the danger he had been in. (That's God's Word to him!)
2. The fact that the ass spoke: In England that has never been seen that I know of: Is it normal elsewhere?

June 30 2020 Report

Data Danny Hickman

Hi Terry,
I'm not an authority on "normal," so I can't answer your question.
The statement about Balaam's "donkey" coupled with prophesying gives prophesying a worldly tone. Sounds like any "fool" can do it. I don't think that's useful.

The donkey didn't stop anything. He was afraid of the angel with the sword. He was protecting himself. His words were HIS thoughts, not God's God allowed him to speak HIS mind. True prophets don't do that.

Baalam was spiritually blind. Besides "speaking," donkeys don't "see" where prophets can't see.
It reminds me of Saul looking for his father's donkeys, (1 Sam 9) and at the same time, Israel was searching for a king (1 Sam 8). It's what I see as classic irony.

A "prophet" being "lectured" by a donkey about how to treat a "trusted friend" is classic stuff. He says "I've always looked out for you, have I not"? He didn't say anything about God. Prophecy is about God somewhere in the message.

June 30 2020 Report

Data Danny Hickman

If I was asleep and a fire got started in my room, and my dog Chico started barking and woke me up, I'd thank God, from whom all blessings flow.
Then I'd thank Chico, but I wouldn't call his barking "prophetic." I'd see it as a do doing what a dog was designed to do.

I don't smoke, but let's imagine my wife Faye has warned me about smoking in bed and I have ignored her warnings. Then the fire. But instead of Chico barking (that would be normal), a call to 911 is made from my address. When the Fire Department gets there I've been overcome with smoke and there's only Chico and I there. Everybody would want to know who "dialed" 911. Someone would say "Alexa" must have done it. LOL

God could have "opened" Baalam's eyes, it's normal for a man to see. The same is true about Chico, barking is what he does. Maybe God wants to show His majesty, which isn't easily forgotten.
That's my take on the "Baalam and his donkey" affair. Chico is a smart dog but he doesn't know his numbers....

June 30 2020 Report

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