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Only Jesus was Holy for He is God. A Holy Man is one who strives to be like Jesus Christ. It is one who keeps the Word of God in his heart and takes action on that Word. Example: feed the poor, also helps heal the sick and has the Fruits of the Spirit, follows the commands of the Lord, has love and compassion for all, spreads the Word of God etc....As you can see, we will fall short, but the Lord did say that we should strive for perfection as He us perfect. In human terms, I would consider one who strives for perfection in the Lord a Holy man.
If you mean a "holy man" in terms of Catholicism or Judaism or a cult, it has no meaning. It is added to the Word of God, something we must not do. If you are referring to someone who is a Christian, that someone has been named the righteousness of God in Christ. It is not that someone's righteousness, it is God's Righteousness. In biblical terminology only God is Holy.
If the question is, are their Holy Men, as in old Testament priests, I'd say no. However, as Saved men and women we are to strive for Holiness. 15 but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:15, 16 ESV)
I believe one as a human being is not holy because of what ones does, but because of what one is in Christ - forgiven - holy and blameless in his sight.(Ephesians 1.4)
"Holy" means to be "set-apart." Different religions have their "holy" people, but these are only people who have been defined by other people as being holy, according to their own dictates. As regarding being set-apart with YHWH, one is set-apart by observing and following the commandments of YHWH. The following of His commandments is what sets people apart from the general population of the world. I hate to keep going back to one particular verse (not really), but if one looks at Isaiah 8:20, it will be the two things listed there that sets a person apart, making them "holy." One major religion is found on one end of that spectrum, while another major religion thinks they have the other end of the spectrum covered. According to Is. 8:20, though, if someone speaks NOT according to both of these things listed, then they don't have the "light of dawn" (understanding).
Being a holy man can only be liken to Him that is holy which is God. The only attribute that shows God,s holiness is is loving-kindness,so show me a holy man then you see unconditional love
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