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1 Peter 1:16
ESV - 16 Since it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy.
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To be Holy is to let Christ live His life in us and through us. We love God and people not because we have to but because we want to. He puts it in our hearts to do what He wants to accomplish through us. We have been bought with a price and He can use us anyway He wants. Our life becomes His life. Only God is Holy. It becomes more of Him and less of us. We die to our selves so that He can live. If we acknowledge Him in all we do He will direct our path. Only by the grace and mercy of God can we do anything. To be Holy is to walk in the Spirit that He gave us at conversion.
The answer lies in the previous verse 1 Peter 1:14 i.e. A clear call not to continue in sin anymore but to move onto a Holy life. 1 Peter 1:14 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, The passions of sin takes all ignorant unbelievers captive and after being saved,every born again believer is called to resist going back to futile sinful ways and instead we must seek with all our heart, mind soul and strength to glorify God. 1Peter 1:15 but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, In the above verse "conduct" means practical life. Here is a commandment to be Holy and it is also a beautiful encouragement to a believer to believe that they can be Holy by the power of God. Read Ephesians 4:22-24 Those who are born again receive divine knowledge about the nature of God. This divine and holy nature is shown in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. The unbelievers will see that the life of the Lord Jesus and that life is a light (John 1:4) but they reject that light. Whereas believers see that life of Christ and accept that light and seek to live according to that light (1John 1:7) some examples of a Holy life are 1) Jesus Loved what was right according to God and hated all evil - Heb 1:9 2) To resist all ungodly temptation - Mat 4:1-11 Therefore to summarize a Holy life is to live a life like the Lord Jesus Christ. I.e to love righteousness and to hate all evil. This life is to be lived to please God and most importantly this new life must be lived by the constant guidance and through the Power of the Holy Spirit. When we are saved God declares us righteous and Holy by his grace and as we continue the path of righteousness in obedience to God's commandments, We will be living a practical and Holy life by purifying our self from all sin thus following the footsteps of Lord Jesus.
There is one God and you must love him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the strength, and love your neighbour as yourself. Do this and you are not far from the kingdom of God.
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