Where would I be if Adam and Eve had not disobeyed God?

And what did Satan have to lose by tempting them if they said NO? Would he have been more punished for trying? Sounds like Satan is just a common burglar, and should have been arrested and locked up - Not sent back  out on the streets. The stolen goods - returned to their rightful owner. That's what we do! Letting Satan out on parole that lasts for millenniums doesn't seem like fast and fair justice  - the Garden should have had a security system?

Clarify (3) Share Report Asked December 15 2013 Mypic Bobby Daniel Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Cheryl Davids

Hi Bobby I dont understand how you could have gone to hell and then to heaven before the judgement day.

December 31 2013 Report

Mypic Bobby Daniel

Well Cheryl all I know is what happened. I vividly remember being on a Ferris Wheel with two beautiful identical twin girls. It was alright at first, but after a rather long time I began to feel ill, I ask the twin on my right - When do we get off? Her answer was - "She didn't know, as they had been on there forever". To me - I was certain I was in Hell. Forever? Really? Prayed very very hard for God to forgive me. I knew if he did not, I would be stuck forever helplessly. I next was in a valley with great amounts of fog. I saw a bridge and went towards it. Crossed the bridge and up the hill out of the fog. As I got higher the fog was clear, and I couldn't help but notice how perfect I and everything else was. At the top of the hill was a beautiful lake type slew with green grass and lots of trees. Reminded me of a similar place I loved to go as a young man. My fathers father was there along with my Grandmother on the left side of the slew, and my mothers father and Grandmother were on the right side. They were fishing - It looked pretty good. I wanted to fish with them and asked my Grandfather if he had an extra pole so I could fish? He told me if I didn't bring my own pole I wasn't allowed to stay and that I had to go back. He said to bring a pole next time. I then knew I was no longer on Earth, because they were no longer on Earth? I insisted that I stay - Something very bad had happened to me; however, I sensed nothing at all bad there! Jesus walked me back across.

December 31 2013 Report

Mypic Bobby Daniel

As Jesus was crucified with the murderers and criminals on the cross. The murderer saying, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.

The other criminal answering rebuked the murderer, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?

And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.

And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise. TODAY IS THE KEY WORD!!!!

Judgement halts for no one. When the heart sincerely reaches for God and asks for unconditional forgiveness of sin, and truly knows that the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the only power to save them, it doesn't make much since to wait for anything else to happen. Nothing more is required.

December 31 2013 Report

Mypic Bobby Daniel

Bear in mind - I'm reflecting my own views as I see them. I believe God made the situation such as everything is unfolding. I truly believe that God created everything with each spirit (person) having free will on how to guide itself through it's life journey. Heaven and Earth was set, and the spirit of God placed in us through Adam and Eve. Can you imagine a world with no Jesus or any cause for him. Add to that - No Old or New Testament? Nor you or I? God couldn't either in my opinion. Our individual free will is what to me determines the individual routes we all take. As for bearing the sins of anyone before us - Children of criminals and murderers often become very meaningful servants of God, Jesus, and Society! I don't feel that I personally have to answer for anyone else's sins but my own. Jesus was tho only one perfect after Adam. I never heard of a baby being considered a bundle of evil. Fact, I don't even know where it is written that a human couldn't be perfect. Hope this helps.

January 02 2014 Report

Mypic Bobby Daniel

Heaven has been cleaned out of evil. All that remains in heaven has been forcefully purified by God. There obviously was a choice of the unheard of, namely defilement of the creator. That option no longer exists. The old saying, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. God cannot and will not shame on himself. Satin and anti-light (evil) was the fool me once. There will never be a fool me twice - not an option. How great that is to be in heaven and not have any influence or will to turn against God? As the bible states "I knew you well before you were in the womb", God knows all things - including what was and what would have been.

January 02 2014 Report

Mypic Bobby Daniel

I am clueless on any percentages in heaven. I think though, it will boil down to how many immediately and truly understand only God can save them from their sins, and be cleaned of sin by Jesus Christ in order to be allowed to enter heaven. Some by nature will hold onto their pride, greed, might, self will, hate, etc... Jesus is the Shepard, and no tainted flock will be mixed with the pure. "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand." John 10:27,28. There is only one God as the Holy Bible says. Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one! (Deuteronomy 6:4) God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit of God. We also know that there are not three God’s, they are One. To LOVE GOD is to LOVE JESUS, and is to LOVE THE HOLY SPIRIT of GOD.

January 02 2014 Report

Mypic Bobby Daniel

One cannot be fooled unless they trust first. God trusted Satin. After all Satin was created most high and beautiful. Why would God not trust Satin to be faithful and loyal. In God's most high confidence he trusted Satin; therefore, setting himself up to potentially be betrayed and fooled. He won't let that happen again! I pray we all open our hearts to God. We may never be able to understand everything. Perhaps we were never created to have to understand this much. May God Bless

January 03 2014 Report

Stringio Colin Wong

Hi Gary. This discussion is getting way off topic from Bobby's initial question. Do you mind opening up a separate question for your concerns?

January 03 2014 Report

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