What happened on each of the days of Creation?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Open uri20121108 30932 1fpbla6 Janice Hollaway

I believe in the literal 6-day creation as laid out in Genesis. I don't have a problem with that at all. However, how can we classify 24-hour days (which are based on sun-earth relationship) BEFORE the earth was created? Would a 24-hour day extend into the far reach of the universe, outside of our solar system? This is where I get tripped up.

March 03 2016 Report

Open uri20150710 10746 e4j1p9 Nate Werner

24 hour days are not based off the sun-earth relationship. All you need is a light source, provided on day one, and a rotating earth, signified when God says let the light be called day and dark be called night. Evening and morning, so approximately 24 hours since the earth rotates 360 degrees in approximately 24 hours.

September 11 2016 Report

Mini Len Thies

For the record, the word, "create" only occurs in three verses in Genesis 1:1-31. God created the Universe in verse 1; God created animals in verse 21; and, God created Man in verse 27. The words, "Let", "made", and "make" are not "creative" words.

Len Thies

October 25 2018 Report

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