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Marriage is the most intimate relationship two human beings can experience, second only to a relationship with God. Marriage brings out the best and the worst in most people, as two separate indivi...
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There is a lot in the Bible about marriage. Much more than room here permits. I would suggest reading the first 3 or 4 chapters in Genesis with prayerful seeking marriage application, then the same with Psalms and Proverbs, the Ephesians. As far as my understanding, of the issue in your question, I would say the most important verse would be Genesis 2:23-24: The man said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman for she was taken out of mam. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. I believe more marriages have problems because they skip the step of becoming "one"., than any other reason. You each need to commit to each other to become one. The second biggest reason is that there is consequences to all sin. Sin can not only separate you from God's presence but from your spouse as well. Therefore the first step to overcoming marital problems is to make every effort to rid yourselves of all sin. Even a small (if there is such a thing) lie can become a major issue between spouses (God doesn't like it either) not to mention sin like marital infidelity or just selfishness, pettiness, etc. The above means submitting to God. You also (read Ephesians) need to submit to one another. Finally, just a personal note. Many marital issues are the result of poor communication. I suggest reading Gary Chapman's "The five Love Languages". Each of you need to read it but if one starts, I believe they will find enough to "sell" their spouse on the advantage of reading it. It will help you with communication. I also offer this piece of advice. If there is anger issues, I recommend that you pray that God bless your spouse. Not change them, bless them. Pray it continually and be sincere. He may bless them by changing them or by changing you or both or something else. One thing I thing you will find is that when you consistently pray for someone, it us very hard to be mad at them. Hope this helps and may God bless.
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