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Vincent Mercado

Skeptic turned believer, Catholic, father of 3
I was raised Catholic, began doubting Christianity at age 19, turned skeptic about why I should believe the priests, pastors and even the Bible. Science and Philosophy were my guiding stars. If it is not logical, I will not believe it.

Thankfully, Catholicism is the most logical of all the religions. It is also the most scientific in approach when it comes to her doctrines. I can say that Science and Philosophy lead me to believe in the Catholic faith. 

I believe the Catholic Church is not a denomination - she is mainstream Christianity. If you have separated from the Catholic Church, come home.

Now I am happily married to an Evangelical woman. Our wish is that Catholics and Non-Catholics will dialogue together, resolve conflicts and be united. Our kids are Catholic.

My email is [email protected]. If you have any question regarding the Catholic Church, I am glad to help.

Recent Activity


Was the covenant of marriage the first covenant God made?

A covenant is when a person says, "I am yours, you are mine." In the case of...

Comment 1 More Answer 6 Votes Asked September 21 2013


What is the difference between the words "LORD" and "GOD"?

"God" is the deity. "God" is not a name. "Lord" is a title, also not a name....

1 Comments 2 More Answers 7 Votes Asked September 21 2013


What is the canon of Scripture?

A canon of scripture, is a list of books considered to be authoritative...

Comment 2 More Answers 1 Vote Asked September 20 2013


Does the Bible teach mortal and venial sin?

YES. The Bible teaches about mortal and venial sins. In 1 John 5:16-17, the...

6 Comments 4 More Answers 1 Vote Asked September 20 2013


What is the definition of heresy?

The Catholic definition of "heresy" is the "obstinate post-baptismal denial...

Comment 3 More Answers 1 Vote Asked September 20 2013


Is the pope the Vicar of Christ?

YES OF COURSE. In John 21, Jesus told Peter, "Feed my lambs" "Take care of my...

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Should Catholic tradition have equal or greater authority than the Bible?

The Bible IS A Catholic tradition. This is one of the many false dichotomy we...

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Is the observance of a First Communion biblical?

In Luke 22, Jesus took bread, broke it and said, "This is my body." The rites...

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Is apostolic succession biblical?

Is apostolic succession biblical? OF COURSE YES! When a king dies, another...

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Is prayer to saints or Mary biblical?

Is prayer to saints / Mary biblical? OH YES! All throughout scriptures, we...

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What does the Bible say about confession of sin to a priest?

As a Catholic, who confesses my sins to a priest. I want to break my answer...

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Is the Catholic concept of absolution biblical?

Did Jesus made his disciples judges and invest in them power to pass...

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Are Catholic beliefs and practices Biblical?

Obviously NOT all beliefs and practices of the Church is Biblical, and with a...

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Does the Bible support the Catholic practice of a marriage annulment?

Annulment, in essence, means that marriage DID NOT take place. Marriage does...

Comment 1 More Answer 5 Votes Asked September 20 2013