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Q jcryle001

James Kraft

74 year old retired pipeline worker
My father was a Baptist minister. I was saved when I was very young by just trusting Jesus to save me. I was baptized when I was around 16 and shortly after fell into sin. But our faithul Lord brought me back and I have learned over my life time to just trust him completely. If we have been truly saved by his work on the cross he will continue to work in us and through us and bring us to heaven on our last day. As I look back over my life I can see his hand upon me even when I would walk away. I have learned that His grace is sufficient for me. He is the one that saves us and He will never leave us or forsake us. I can only depend on Him and not myself. Oh what a wonderful savior. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,-------

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Will God forgive me of sins I commit after I become a believer?

The truth is that we could not obey Gods laws before we were saved, and we...

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How do I get right with God?

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What can ordinary people do about sinful religious leaders?

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I am certainly not a theologian, but I do believe salvation has to be a free...

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The Pharisees were the most religious people on earth. They followed the Law...

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