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How were the crowds "harassed and helpless"? (Matthew 9:35–38)
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How were the crowds "harassed and helpless"? (Matthew 9:35–38)
The water pouring ceremony began each morning at the temple as the daily sacrifices were being prepared. The High Priest, accompanied by a large procession...
I like how Jesus put it in Matthew 13:47-50 -- Matthew 13:47-50 King James Version 47 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the...
The water-pouring ceremony began at the temple as the daily sacrifices were being prepared. The High Priest, accompanied by a large procession of...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What does the Bible say about honor?
To me, the sentiment expressed by Habakkuk is indicative not of willful self-deception, but of the type of profound faith exhibited by Job when he said of...
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Does Mark 16:16 teach that baptism is necessary for salvation?
Ecc 12:11-12 is a pretty convoluted metaphor for the modern reader, made perhaps even more difficult by some of the words being hard to translate (e.g. are...
Ecc 12:11-12 is a pretty convoluted metaphor for the modern reader, made perhaps even more difficult by some of the words being hard to translate (e.g. are...
Following this verse, James 1:20, James encourages people to be quick to listen and slow to speak, suggesting that actively receiving God's word can help...
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What does the Bible say about false accusations?
To rejoice during disaster seems like denial -- and totally inappropriate if you look at the circumstances (Habakkuk 3:17-18).
John 7:37-38 "On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever b...
Just a guess but a good reason that the message was sealed would be that it would have revealed the time of the event.
Good question, Jeremiah! I like the paraphrase rendering of this verse by Eugene H. Peterson: Luke 14:11"What I'm saying is, If you walk around with your...
It was to display His glory and to have a relationship with humanity, primarily through the verse Colossians 1:16 which states, "For by him all things were...
To me, the imagery of nails is meant to covey an impression of strength, stability, and permanence with regard to the teachings or sayings of wise...
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What does it mean that we are 'adopted' as sons of God?
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Should wine or grape juice be used for communion?
First, see the big picture: "I. DAVID'S DELIGHT (Ps 18:1-3): David expresses his deep love for the Lord. II. DAVID'S DISTRESS (Ps 18:4-6): David is...
We have to assume that God is beyond human comprehension and cannot be fully seen by mortal eyes."Face to face" is often used in the Bible to signify a...
11 The words of the wise are like goads, and the words of scholars are like well-driven nails, given by one Shepherd. 12 And further, my son, be admonished ...
The truth of the matter is that this practice of reflexology was created for false religions just as yoga was and cannot be separated from them. The guiding...
What does 'blessed are the peacemakers' mean? Jesus said this in Matthew 5:9. One cross reference to this verse which I love is Romans 12:18. -- "If...
The "Pearl of Great Price" refers to a parable told by Jesus in Matthew 13:45-46, where a merchant finds a pearl of exceptional value and sells everything he...
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What are the books of the Bible? What does it mean that the Bible is composed of different books?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Was Isaac born to Abraham and Sarah without physical contact between them?
This could be what is about to happen in early 2025, beware of deception. Remember Satan was telling lies from the beginning with Adam and Eve. Sounds like...
I believe the God of the impossible took Abraham's seed and placed it in Sarah’s womb and she became pregnant. Remember Isaac is a type of Christ.
Examples: Not devoting time to reading and studying scripture to deepen your understanding of God's will. Not volunteering your time to help others in need,...
Yes, God can do anything including breaking the cycle of generational sin through the power of Jesus Christ, as seen in verses like Jeremiah 31:29-30 which...
Good question, especially for those of us who live in America. "Suffering belongs to the discipline of all Christ's followers (Rom 8:17; 2 Cor 1:7; Gal 3:4;...
No! Faith & science do NOT conflict! I remember studying about this at Scottsdale Bible Church in Scottsdale, Arizona when I was a member there. There's...
Amen, and Amen, brother.
Miss Shari, great addition to the above. Thank you
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How can I know if the desires of my heart are from God?
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Should a church accept into their membership someone who owns a brothel? Or a bar?
Superb question, Stuart! The Romans destroyed the Temple, the only place allowed by halakha for sacrifices. --halakha is the Jewish legal system that governs...
I.e. the Names of God Bible (NOG) is a translation of the Bible that uses the original names and titles of God in Hebrew and Aramaic. The NOG is intended to...
A public covenant between two people is quite different from a civil marriage. Once you move away from a covenant to a civil marriage, you put marriage in...
Totally agree, Jack. I was married for almost 37 years to my first husband, who was a pastor. We counseled countless married couples through the years, and...
Having a "life partner" without a civil marriage is not considered acceptable, as the Bible establishes marriage as a covenant between a man and a woman that...
According to 1 Chronicles 21:15, yes, the Bible describes an "angel" sent by God to destroy Jerusalem, which can be interpreted as an angel of death, as the...
Acupuncture is just using a needle to stimulate the nerve system to boost up the immune system. It has nothing to do with the spiritual world at all. Similar...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Is there an angel of death?
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Is salvation created by faith or is faith created by salvation?
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Do faith in God and science contradict?
Isaiah 12:3: Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. Drawing water out of the wells of salvation with joy, one needs to have...
Michael puts it that Moses sinned. It brings up a question as to what is sin. It certainly would not be a sin to a gentile but to Israelite only. However, it...
By my understanding, after the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in AD 70, there was no longer a divinely mandated or approved location for...
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