What does the Holy Bible say about the dictatorships?

I am a teacher (with a tiny heart of a student) of History and Catholicism in the Sacred Heart College of Slokerinh, a beautiful place of the universe, which was created by the Greatest LORD. I was wondering the last day with my students if they wanted to live in a dictatorship, because it is a great form of government. They asked me what the Bible says about it. I did not know what to answer, so I put this in this great great web hoping the answer of some Samaritan person.

Thanks to all of my fans!!   

Clarify (2) Share Report Asked March 14 2019 Charly Oswald J. Varas Supporter

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Mini Jim Stapleton

I can only express my own opinion. Dictatorship is not a wonderful form of government. Taking that a step further, to me it is not a form of government but a form of oppression. If you read up on dictators one thing you will find is they suppress religious freedom, supress personal rights, commit horrible human rights violations, demand total compliance to their dictates under the grave threat of bodily harm. Dictatorships are one of the worse forms of governing a people. Close friends to communism and socialism. Just take a good look at Cuba or North Korea. Poverty is rampant, food is scarse, people have no freedom to speak their own thoughts or act on their beliefs. Not something I want to live under.

December 06 2019 Report

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