Does 2 Chronicles 16 mean we should not go to the doctor when we are sick, but to seek the Lord?

And in the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa became diseased in his feet, and his malady was severe; yet in his disease he did not seek the LORD, but the physicians (2 Chr 16:12)

2 Chronicles 16:1 - 14

ESV - 1 In the thirty-sixth year of the reign of Asa, Baasha king of Israel went up against Judah and built Ramah, that he might permit no one to go out or come in to Asa king of Judah. 2 Then Asa took silver and gold from the treasures of the house of the Lord and the king's house and sent them to Ben-hadad king of Syria, who lived in Damascus, saying.

Clarify Share Report Asked April 29 2019 Open uri20180421 22482 3qp2i1 Lawrie Yinka Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Shirley H

Agreed, Asa did not seek God. He consulted the doctors, but in verse 8 it states that God looks for those who are loyal to Him. Hananai, the seer told Asa, that because he relied on the king of Aram, the army would slip through his fingers. God, I believe was punishing Asa for his disrespect.

In those days medicine was often mixed with magic. This scripture indicates that Asa's illness was a punishment from God. See verse 10.

Also, in 1Samuel chapter 28, we have the witch of En Dor. Leviticus 19:31, and 20:6,7, God forbids such by His law. He also says that if anyone does so, He will set His face against them.

April 29 2019 Report

Data Danny Hickman

God doesn't give us witches, but He does give us doctors. However, we're to always go to God for help, if for nothing more than to pray the wisdom and knowledge of God to accompany the biological knowledge of the doctor, given to the doctor by God. I don't take my car to a mechanic without consulting God about it. I've been using the same mechanic for more than 15 years but I still talk to God before I give him a call.

Asa's offense was that he overlooked God because of the doctors.
There is always an alternative to calling on God. ALWAYS... In victory and in defeat if we include God in our circumstance we have "A" victory.

November 22 2019 Report

Data Danny Hickman

If we remember that everything and everybody belongs to God, that everything and everybody depends on God, that God knows the ending at the beginning (Isa 46:10), we won't tether our hopes to anything or anybody apart from Him. God doesn't compete with doctors for popularity, or campaign to prove His superiority to them or anybody else. God's concern in the whole matter was for Asa and all of Israel, as well as all who would learn of Him, to come to a better understanding of their (our) dependence on Him alone.
There is one body and one Spirit (God), and [we] were called (requested to come, summoned, invited) with one hope of [our] calling (invitation). God is our only hope (grounds for feeling confident in anything we face in life).

I don't think anyone who knows God questions His ABILITY to "save," (deliver from trouble). I think the problem for us is often our distrust of His WILL. We know He CAN but WILL He?
That's distrust, simple and plain.
Go to the doctor, by all means; but pray before you go, while you're there, and after you leave. Pray without stopping (1Thes 5:17).

November 22 2019 Report

Image Bryan Naidoo

The question is not that one must not go to the physician, rather one must first seek God. It would be wise for all to first seek God's face by inquiring and repenting regarding any physical issue before visiting a physician.

In cases where one meets with an accident, or suffers burns or other traumatic incidents it would be wise and safe to visit the physician immediately with the understanding that all things work for good to them that love the lord.

As a child of the lord, it would not be good to immediately go a doctor before inquiring from the lord, except in emergency.

November 22 2019 Report

Data Danny Hickman

I usually pray daily in the morning before getting my day started. If I'm in an accident and need to go to an emergency room I've already asked God to be involved with me, guiding me, speaking to me, keeping me. I don't have to "be sure and pray" before going to a doctor. Also, it could happen that I'm not conscious and would be taken to get medical care without a chance to speak to God about it. That's why we are told to pray without stopping. The conscientious person doesn't wait until an emergency is in full bore before thinking of asking God to get involved in his or her life. Life, in my opinion, is an ongoing emergency. Prayer should also be ongoing.

November 22 2019 Report

Mini Shirley H

Agree with you Pierce. I only mentioned the witch of EnDor as something that God does not want us to do. Of course, witchcraft, and evil spirits are not from God. We are to always consult God first. Asa did not put God first.

November 23 2019 Report

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