How are the prophesies related to nations around Israel mentioned in the book of Ezekiel fulfilled?


Clarify Share Report Asked September 10 2021 Recent photo Jeremy Low Supporter

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Mini James Kraft

Up until a few years ago the USA was the friend of Israel. God blesses the nations that bless Israel.

The nations around Israel are all preparing for war around Israel. We are in the last days of the Church. The rapture of the church is the next thing on Gods time line.

Those nations will come against Israel, and when the anti Christ comes on the scene, he will make a peace treaty with Israel for seven years. But He will break it after three and a half years. Then the twelve tribes of Israel will be saved by Gods protection from the beast. The anti Christ.

Gods promises are sure. He made a covenant with Israel, and even though they rejected Him as a nation when He was on earth. He will save 12,000 from each tribe during the time of Jacobs trouble, the 7 year tribulation period. Revelation 7.

All of us who have trusted in Jesus for the free gift of eternal life will be raptured out of the earth to meet the Lord in the clouds before the wrath of God comes on the earth.

John 3:36. All believers have eternal life and will not come under the wrath of God, the great and terrible tribulation.

First Corinthians 15:51-53 and Ephesians 4:13-18. Second Thessalonians 2:1-4. The falling away is the rapture of the church, then the Son of perdition the anti Christ will come. We will not know who he is because we will be taken to meet the Lord in the clouds before He comes.

There will be chaos on the earth when we are taken out. Planes will fall from the sky without a pilot. Trains will wreck without and engineer. Cars will run out of control without a driver. Unsaved mothers will weep for their children who were taken to heaven.

We have been in the birth pangs the last few years with more floods, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, volcano eruptions and fires all over the earth than ever before.

Things are heating up for the anti Christ to come on the scene. Governments are taking away the liberty of the people and becoming tyrants. Now they are trying to mandate that everyone must take the shots if your company you work for has over 100 employees. School children in California are told they have to have the vaccine to go to school.

Those of us who are looking for the coming of the Lord will have a crown in heaven.

All of the nations around Israel are building up their nuclear weapons to come against Israel and they have no one to protect them but God.

Things are happening so fast no one can keep up. The Taliban taking over Afganistan is a sign for us. Our nation has become week. China has said they will be at our door and will over take us.

Jesus said, John 6:47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me HATH EVERLASTING LIFE. God can not lie. He always keeps His promises. John 3:16-18. First John 2:2. Romans 6:23 and Ephesians 2:8-9. Romans 4:5-8. First John 5:13.Romans 11:6.

September 11 2021 Report

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