What does the Bible say about lawsuits / suing?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Data Sarah Winn

I totaled a car in 99 and it left me with permanent brain damage among other physical injuries that I will have for life. A lawyer approached me and asked if he could file a claim. I suffered a lot of injuries and he knew that someone owned someone something. So I filed a suit against the city, county and state to see if they were at fault.

No fault there, but then my attorney wanted to sue the insurance company of the driver who I pulled out in front of. No accident is ever 100% fault. I asked my pastor, Pastor Rick Cole if it was ok to file suit. He gave me the go ahead. I waited years then I received a call on my 24th birthday from my attorney stating the opposing counsel offered a settlement of $ amount of money.

So I know my car accident was just that=an accident but God used it for good in helping my family move to Texas right before the market switched in 2005. My lawsuit was not against any specific person but an insurance company. That is what those insurance companies are for; to pay when needed.

That is my testimony as far as a lawsuit.
Sarah Winn

November 13 2014 Report

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