Why does the bible say, 'Only the Father knows the hour'?
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one!! So why does the Bible say only the Father knows the hour and the day?
Matthew 24:36
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one!! So why does the Bible say only the Father knows the hour and the day?
Matthew 24:36
Will this be during the tribulation?
Revelation 13:16 - 18
Is he mentioned in the Bible other than in Colossians 4?
Colossians 4:9
How have you handled your financial struggles in the light of the scriptures?
I know that James 1:5-6 tells us that if we lack wisdom we should ask God, and He will give generously without reproach. Is there any scripture that tells us...
James 1:5 - 6
Will stones really cry out?
Luke 19:40
This is a common argument by Jehovah's Witnesses.
John 6:38
Specifically, 'unmodified' human will, or all humans in general. Can anyone who hears the gospel either believe that Jesus is Lord and Messiah or reject Him?...
John 3:14 - 16
If you knowingly vote for a person who promotes abortion (murder) or praises the gay movement will you be accountable for this in God's sight?
If a believing spouse is jealous of my time spent in prayer or study, or my commitment in serving God, how should I respond?
Is it possible that God gives clairvoyance to people as a gift? How does clairvoyance differ from the spiritual gift of prophecy or word of knowledge?
How can I respond to this feeling? Are there scriptures that address it or offer encouragement?
Does Romans 14:5 indicate we are not bound by law to worship on a certain day? [Moderator note: This topic is about when we can worship God, not specifica...
Romans 14:5
Also in Rev 17:3
Revelation 13:1
I am an artist and I am being asked to paint a picture about yoga, which includes hindu symbols and meanings. I am unsure about if I should accept this commi...
That is, is merely looking at an attractive person, or acknowledged that they are attractive, the equivalent of lust?
Can our loved ones see us or hear us from heaven
Colossians 1:24 - 2:5
That is, is watching porn acceptable if done by a couple inside a marriage?
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